Monday, December 8, 2008


I cannot believe how cold our weather has gotten already and it is only the first full week of December. We had our first really bad snow storm on Saturday and of course I had to be out driving in it because I started to Xmas shop. I was afraid that I wasn't going to get home. I was driving so slow and was slip sliding all over the roads. Not very good at all. I finally made it home safe and sound and didn't go out the rest of the night.

Sorry for the long respite and now I am finally starting to get in the swing of things. I lost my mom on August 11th and it has been a trying time for me. Lots of emotions, good and bad. There has been lots of things to do in tying up loose ends. In the state that I live in everything has to go through an estate so the government can get there fair share in taxes. They make everything so difficult and it has been lots of court appointments and paper work.

Have not been sewing very much at all and hoping to get back into this in the new year. Anyways both of my sewing machines are acting up and have to go into the shop. I am thinking of buying a new Janome so I can have it for a backup machine. I did finish 2 quilts and put the binding on for Xmas gifts this year.

Have started to decorate the house for Xmas and will try to get some pictures of my tree on here tomorrow.