Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well I did the drawing at work and just printed out all the e-mails and had one of my co-workers draw the name. And the winner is.........Toni. Congratulations Toni, please send me your snail mail address and I will get the kit out to you. I tried to get a clearer photo but it just didn't turn out. Sorry guys. Stayed tuned though, I will be having another give-a-way in a couple of weeks.

I have so much to talk about today. A couple a weeks ago I invested in another new iron. This iron was a little expensive at $129 but I think that it is worth every penny I spent. I was so sick and tired of my Rowenta's leaking all over the place and ruining numerous ironing board covers. I was getting sick of buying a new ironing board cover at $14 a pop every couple months so this iron will pay for itself. This iron is made in Canada and has its own steam generator which you program for either low or high. I love this iron. You hardly have to even press any of your seams. Did I tell you, I love this iron

I know that there is a lot of talk on the blogs today about the new Mystery BOM that is going to start on The Fat Quarter Shop. If you are reading my blog Kimberly, thank you for organzing this new BOM. I think it is going to be a total success. I am totally in love with this BOM and I can't wait to start and have already orderd the finishing kit and backing. This is going to be one beautiful quilt. I love anything by 3 Sisters. Of course my friends Lisa, Perry, Nicole and Carol are going to join me with this BOM and if anyone else is interested, please let me know and we will include you on our posts regarding this BOM. I know Patchwork Party is going to start on April 1st so I figured I have 2 months to finish that quilt before this BOM starts. I cannot resist the Patchwork Party quilts because they turn out beautiful.
Well off to get some chores done and cooke some dinner. Talk to everyone later.
Hugs, Cindy

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. Well I must certainly be loved this year because Joe sent me these beautiful roses to my office. (I know he has something else hidden so I have to wait until he gets home from work for that). The florist that he has been using for the past couple years does a fabulous job, they put other arrangements that others gals in my office were receiving to shame. I called the florist to thank her and tell her what a wonderful job she did and she said we always want our arrangements to stand out and they certainly did. Since we got married 21 years ago, Joe has always made sure that I had a dozen of red roses on Valentine's Day, even when he was deployed and overseas. Even though there are times I look at him and think why in the world did I get married, at times like this I will keep him.

7 Random Things About Me
I've been tagged by a few fellow bloggers so I'm sharing 7 random things about me...firstTHE RULES:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Well here we go:
1. I love Starbucks coffee to the point that is about all I drink every day. We have Starbucks coffee packets in our office to make the individual pots of coffee and believe you me, there is always a pot of coffee on. At home, I have a Tassimo coffee maker and Starbucks has finally come out for the discs for them, they are a little expensive but that doesn't stop me.
2. I hate to get up in the mornings. My alarm goes off at 5:20 and I automatically shut it off. Yes you heard me I shut it off, not hit the snooze button> I then fall back to sleep for about 20 minutes. I don't know what wakes me up, but I do. One of these days I am not going to wake up for work in time.
3. I cannot pass up a quilt that has already been made into a kit. I know it really is a sickness but I cannot pass up quilts that they have already picked out the fabrics.
4. I don't like to be late and don't have much tolerance for excuses people use for being late especially to work.
5. I am addicted to reality shows and soap operas. I limit myself though on the soap operas. I usually watch the Soap Net at night recently because there is nothing else now.
6. I love spicy black jelly beans. I would always get on my mother's nerves because at Easter time I buy the bags of spicy jelly beans, take all the black ones out and throw the rest of them away.
7. I love all kinds of music but I especially love Tom Jones. When we lived in Mississippi my husband and I went to see one of his concerts and women were still throwing their panties at him. My daughter just can't get it but who cares.
I am not going to specifically tag anyone because it seems like everyone has been tagged in the past few days. I'm just asking if you haven't been tagged, tell us 7 things about yourself.
Don't forget, sign up for my give up on the appropriate blog message.
Hope everyone has a good night.
Hugs, Cindy

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


On Sunday I went to one of our local quilt shops and took a class called "School House" which was given by the owner Karen Montgomery and was supposed to be from 10:00 to 3:00. Karen is not only a fabulous instructor but she also designs for Timeless Treasures. You should see her newest collection called "Abby Lane" which I bought and will take photos of tomorrow. School house was broken into 6 little mini sessions of learning some new technques, i.e., paper piecing the insert for a coffee mug, new technology, making a Valentine postcard, making a little brooch, you get the idea. We got a goodie box filled with all kinds of neat things. It was so nice of her to do and very well appreciated. It was so much fun and lunch was even included which was very yummy. Well I guess I got to the shop around 9:35 and I was looking around waiting for my friends to get there and all of a sudden I looked up and it was snowing like heck. I thought well this is great, if it keeps snowing like this I will never get home. Then the wind started whipping around. I heard reports that in places the wind was blowing at 51 mph. All of a sudden the stores when dark because of down trees from the wind. Well there was no electricity but the show must go on and everyone got use to being in the dark.

You all must go over to Karen's shop and check out her blog for the last few days regarding what are weather has been like. It is hysterical. One of the things that I love about her is her personality, she is very funny and very sarcastic (which I absolutely love). Her website is www.thequiltcompany.com and the link to her blog is in the upper right hand corner.

In early celebration of Valentine's Day and this awful weather we have had since Sunday, I am having a give-a-way. So tell all your friends and neighbors to leave a comment on this post about checking out Karen's blog and you will be enterd in the give-a-way. This is a quilt kit called "Holiday Stars" by Thimbleberries and measures 68 x 76 and comes with all the original fabrics. I will draw the lucky winners name on Monday, February 18th.

Until later---

Hugs, Cindy

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well this is what I woke up to this morning. I knew that they were calling for a snow storm last night but it started much earlier than they anticipated. I was just going upstairs to get dressed and looked outside and decided I was going to take a floating holiday. It is just a very miserable day to be out on the roads. This is looking out my bay window into the backyard.This picture was taken from my front door and I was trying to get a picture of it still snowing. It is supposed to be like this most of the day, then it is going to turn to freezing rain and then turn back to snow later on tonight. So I thought it was a good day to stay at home, do a few little chores and then sew.

Below is the package on got from Lisa on Saturday. This is the leftover fabric that Lisa used for her Valentine's Day quilt that I am going to use to make me one. It won't be for this Valentine's Day and I sure hope it will be finished for next Valentine's Day. Aren't they beautiful. Thank you so much Lisa for sending me these, I love them.

Well for some reason I am getting the blame for starting us on a new challenge, the new Web Sampler quilt. It is just beautiful. Well I guess they need someone to blame right for instigating this and I guess I am the one that they are pointing the finger at. That's fine, at least I am not alone in with project. I have one of my blocks finished but I am going to wait until next Monday to post that one. I am hoping to have another block done by that point. I am concentrating right now on getting caught up with my BOM's so I don't get way far behind so that is my goal for this week.
Well off to get some mini chores done and then sew, sew, sew.
Hugs, Cindy

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Thanks to Nicole, Lisa and Perry for their patience in me finally being able to post my version of our challenge quilt. My husband had gall bladder surgery last Wednesday and what I week I have had. For the past 2 years I have been dealing with a sick elderly mother (God bless her) and then on top of it my husband had some complications with his surgery. I will spare you all the details but it has been very trying on my patience. The funniest was I had been gone all day on Sunday taking care of my mother and I walked into the house at 4:30 and he looked at me and said do you want to watch a movie with me. I almost lost it as I was dragging in a 35 pound box of kitty litter and said are you kidding me--I have all the laundry to do, clean the kitchen, cook dinner and take all the garbage out. He just looked at me like I was crazy. At that moment, I could have killed him because if the rolls were reversed I wouldn't have had the luxury of laying on the couch. Maybe that is why the surgeon said to me that men were big babies that go through gall bladder surgery.

So here it is--my challenge quilt. I love how it turned out and now I need to purchase my backing fabric and send it off to the quilter. I think I am going to have just an all over pattern done on this one. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Also last week I received from Nicole my package from her give-a-way for the messiest sewing table. Thank you so much Nicole for the book and jelly roll. It is from Shangri-La and I definitely love this line of fabric. Don't know what I will make from it but I will let you know when I have decide on something.

I have so much to tell you guys with so many new things that I have gotten in over the last week. I am going to try to finish my Patchwork Party quilt tonight because I want to ask you guys what I should do about the borders. Hopefully I will get that posted tomorrow.

I am so far behind on my cleaning around here so I am off to run the sweeper and start the dishwasher. Joe went to work today and I am sure he is going to crash when he gets home because he was up sick all night.

Talk to everyone soon.

Hugs, Cindy