I know, I know the picture is blurry but you get the jest of what I have been doing this week. I was starting to breathe a sigh of relief that I was caught up on this one and low and behold I got a package yesterday to make another 14 of these darn things. To me this is really boring and hasn't challenged me at all this week so I think I will hurry up and try to get the remaining 14 of these done. I orderd that Precision ruler that Nicole talked about on her blog yesterday. I thought it was a pretty interesting little ruler and hope it helps me square these little blocks up correctly. So this weekend I will be making the remaining 14 and then I hope to start back on my mystery quilt from Glad Creations. I really want to see how this one is going to turn out.
I have a question and I hope I can someone can answer it for me. I love to respond to everyone who leaves me a comment on my blog but sometimes that is not possible especially if I don't have their e-mail address or they don't have a blog of their own that let's me go on and get their e-mail address. When you hit the reply button it says something like "non blogger". Does anyone have any suggestions on that? I just feel bad if I don't answer everyone.
Friday night's my hubby and I usually watch tv together but he has come down with a really bad cold and I hope this means I can sew tonight. The flu and colds have really been running rampant here and I truly don't want to get sick.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. Check out Perry's blog this weekend. She is going to have some exciting photos to show you of some gorgeous quilts.
Hugs, Cindy
I love making churn dashes...I'll come do them for you. Which BOM are those for? I've got a couple from Homestead Hearth but I don't have that one. Have fun sewing! Stay away from Hubby...no cold for you!
Ok, "somebody", I have the pictures you promised I would have up on my blog now, lol. And I want you to retake your blurry picture and replace it. It hurts my eyes!! LOL...They look great blurry so I am sure they will look bettery unblurry, lol.
It's funny because when I saw those churn dash quilts I thought - oh that would be fun to make a bunch of those out of scraps! As to not being able to reply - if people don't have their email set to reply, you shouldn't feel badly about not responding. A few times I have gone to their blog and left a reply there but you can only do what you can do.
Those are beautiful colors...you might like one of my swaps, one is a Button Swap at http://www.flickr.com/groups/384144@N20/discuss/72157603566548622/
the other is a Fat 1/4 swap at http://www.swap-bot.com/swap/show/9701
they are different each month and tons of fun...hope to see ya there..
Love those colors. And to answer your question about blogs and comments -- sometimes people have their blogs listed as private, which means you won't be able to track them down!
Love your blurry blocks. LOL!!! Perry's gonna be disappointed that you didn't retake them.
Very pretty blocks, Cindy, but yikes - 14 more? All the same? At least the fabrics make them interesting! I'm definitely in a Churn Dash state, right along with you. Almost finished with mine - just 5 more blocks to go! PS: Even blurry, the blocks are gorgeous!
Cindy, Did you ever get all the fabric for the Star Song BOM? I got that huge package this week, but I think we are still short a LOT of blocks.
At this point I am pretty disgusted with this Star Song BOM.
Another Cindy
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