Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I have recently been telling everyone how I cannot say no to BOM's. Well I think I might be learning my lesson on them. I am doing a BOM from Homestead Hearth called "Star Song". It is done out of Sonnet by Moda which I absolutely love. Well the first 4 months we did sections that consisted of 2/10" blocks, 2/8" blocks, 2/6" blocks and 2/4" blocks, then you piece them together for a section. The reminder of the months we have been doing 4 stars/month for the outside border. Well on Friday I get a package which contains 4 more star blocks and it says month 11 on the packaging. So I am thinking to myself, when are we going to finish the inside of the quilt. I get the pattern out and I know that I only have 4 sections of the middle of the quilt complete but where are the remaining 5 more sections? So I called Homestead Hearth and they said they would have to look at the pattern and get back with me. I didn't hear from them on Friday and late Saturday afternoon I called them again. I am starting to fret know because I started to think am I going to have to buy more fabric. On Saturday they told me that they were really busy, which I completely understand, and they would look at the pattern on Sunday and call me. Well around 4:30 p.m. yesterday I get a call from someone in the shop saying there was a mistake and they would be sending me more fabric next month. Does this mean that they are going to send me the remaining fabric for the 5 sections. She didn't have an answer for me on that one. So now I still don't know if I should buy anymore fabric or not and if I do, where in the world can I get this.

I have learned a lesson--I am going to do my best in the future to keep up on my BOM's. I asked if anyone else had called complaining about this and they said no I was the first one. Is it because everyone orders BOM's and puts them aside?

One last thing, go check out my friend Perry's blog. I put a link on my blog. Even though we have never met in person, she truly is a dear friend and a great mentor to me but in another sense, she is very bad for my wallet. She can talk me into buying a line of fabric faster than anyone else that I know. If I have a problem with piecing all I do is pick up the phone and she can walk me through the instructions so I can understand it. I am the kind that I have to be doing it to completely understand it.

Well enough rambling for now, better start working--one of the bosses is here today.


Perry said...

Well, I see she is at it again. I always get blamed for her buying fabric. What she doesn't say here is that I have tried to talk her out of BOMS forever, and she gets involved in them and doesn't tell me because then I nag her to work on them, lol. I only nag her into buying fabric collections. Sometimes she doesn't even listen when I tell her about a good one, though. We have a lot of fun together, even though we have never met in person. That is probably good that I don't live close to her, we would both be in the poor house. Oh, and Cindy, good luck with this fabric problem. I think you need to call again and get some answers.

Lisa D. said...

Oh no - that is one of the BOMs I am doing as well and I've put all of them aside to start later. Let me know what you find out and I should see if I'm missing something as well!

Cheryl said...

I know what you mean about BOM'S. I have at least 4 in my cupboard (a few years old), and who knows if there is actually enough there to finish it! I'm off to check out Perry's blog!

Nicole said...

I love the Sonnet group too, and have not yet figured out what to do with it. I would love to see a picture of your blocks!
Lisa and I just recently completed a block of the month Sampler Challenge on our blogs, and we had a blast doing it. I think our next one will be a BOM kit we bought this summer at the Buggy Barn. Very Civil War Reproduction.

Perry said...

I am so excited!!! We have pictures!!! YEA!!!!! Now I want to see some quilts. That is the next step. No more hiding behind "I don't know how." I really think you just make up the blocks and have them stacked in piles, lol. Lots of hugs!

Mar said...

don't get me started, I can never make up mind when they offer more than color way and have to buy both, so I have double in the cabinet! One of these days I'll get to retire and be glad I have them... right?